More on Alternative Art Spaces in Beijing

There have been some interesting projects, openings and film screenings I have been going to over the last couple of weeks:

Homeshop is an alternative art space in Beijing located in a Hutong near the Lama temple. It is described on their website: “HomeShop began as a storefront residence and artist initiative in Beijing, 2008. .. Combining a storefront activity space, work studios and service desk, HomeShop questions existing models of economic and artistic production as an exploration of the micropolitical possibilities of the everyday.”  Homeshop has a blog that covers a range of topics about art, china and urban space which can be visited at:  Homeshop has a reading group that meats to discuss art theory, as well as being a place that hosts a number of artistic events such as film screenings and the re-farm project.

One of the projects going on at homeshop is connected to the re-farm project. A description of the general project can be found at Re:farm uses digital technology in conjunction with urban gardening practices to reintegrate urban living with agriculture. I haven’t been involved in the technological part of the project, which I believe involves designing “smart” watering systems. Last week we started gathering planters (discarded mango baskets) and repairing them to use for a roof top garden at homeshop. We also discussed the problem of finding dirt and appropriate seeds (in order for the garden to be sustainable seeds from the plants grown this year need to be usable for re-seeding- some modified seeds can’t be replanted the following year). There was also discussion about rain gathering techniques and the problem of Beijing drought. Would there be enough water to make growing a garden here really feasible? re-farm also helps with/ participates in the country fair, a monthly organic farmers market.

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